Friday, May 25, 2018

Classification of Hands in Palm Reading

Pandit Raviji is an Indian astrologer in Sydney with the conscience and ability to examine hands in order to predict the future. Palmistry goes way back in ancient history and is still used as a practice to foresee future.

Pandit Raviji is an Indian astrologer in Sydney who through their deep and detailed understanding of the planets and stars in our charts and how they impact our very being has gained popularity internationally and is therefore considered a renowned Vedic astrologer. His skills extend to numerous aspects and practices of astrology like Vedic astrology, Indian Astrology Reading, Black Magic Ejection, Horoscope predictions, Face Reading, Photo Reading and Palm Reading.

Palm reading is an ancient form of predicting future and what life has in store for you. For thousands of years, this skill of hand reading has been employed by experienced palm readers to foresee the future of a person. The lines on your palm are the telltale signs of how your future, love life, carrier, finances and health will be like. Palm reading has its roots dug deep in Indian Astrology and Roman Fortune-telling. Hand reading not only provides an insight into the life of a person but also tells a truth about a person’s character.

One of the crucial aspects of palm reading is the sort of hand you are reading. In palmistry, the hands are classified into four categories

  • ·         Earth Hands
  • ·         Air Hands
  • ·         Water Hands
  • ·         Fire Hands

Let’s study in detail the significance each of these hands in palm reading holds and what each hand tells about a person’s qualities and characteristics.

Earth Hand: The first factor that describes that you are currently reading an earth hand is the unique and perfectly sculptured square shape of the palm as well as the fingers. The length of the palm from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers is precisely the same length as the fingers. The feel of the skin is likely rough and ruddy in appearance. People with earth hands are practical, reasonable and level-headed who take life lessons from doing things rather than reading it somewhere or hearing about it from someone.

Air Hands: What makes air hands recognizable is the rectangular-cum-square shape of the palm with long and straight fingers and the extended and sticking out knuckles. With dry and partially rough skin, the palm of the air hands is approximately the same length as the length of the fingers. People with air hands take life way too seriously and live in constant worry and stress.

Water Hands: Water hands have egg-like oval shaped palms. The centre of the palm which is also the widest part of the palm is larger than the length of the palm from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers but approximately the same length as the fingers. People with water hands are unbalanced and emotionally unstable and follow their heart instead of what logical want them to believe.

Fire Hands: The fire hands can either have square or rectangle palms, but the length of the palm from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers is larger than the length of the fingers. People with fire hands are aggressive and impatient but are great leaders with clearly defined goals and agendas for the future.

I hope you have gotten a little grip over the working of the palm reading. This is just the beginning of the various details and intricacies that make this ancient form of fortune.